Saturday, January 29, 2011


The other day, while looking to see if there were any new issues of the magazines that I read, I picked up a copy of Creating Keepsakes scrapbooking magazine. Several years ago I couldn't get enough scrapbooking. I had all the latest tools, I knew who all the big scrapbookers were, I went to the conventions. I subscribed to all the magazines and participated on several online forums.

However, at some point my interest...faded. I blame it on the switch from a film camera to a digital camera. There was something about picking up a packet of new photos that really motivated me to create. Its just not the same when you download photos to a computer. You look at them, and think, "Oh, that would make a cute page", but then you think about printing out the photos, and get distracted by something that the kids need, and then it doesn't happen. Eventually I found other interests.

So, I'm standing there holding the February issue of CK, and started wondering what was happening in the scrapbooking world. I just bought a pad of really cool 12x12 paper the other day, I have some ideas for it. But, I put the magazine back and didn't buy it.

Yesterday, I was doing a scan of Craig's List and saw that someone was selling the last 16 issues of Creating Keepsakes. For only $10! One issue is $5.99, so it would be silly not to get them, right? That's what I thought. So, David and I drove into Portland...during rush hour traffic...and picked them up.

I couldn't wait to get home and dive in. I started with the Feb '11 issue, the one that I had been looking at in the store. And...nada. Nothing on the first few pages interested me at all. Maybe I hadn't gotten to the good stuff yet. Flip, flip, flip. Still nothing. Four issues later I've learned that I really couldn't care less about scrapbooking anymore. The layouts don't even appeal to me. Sure, some of the stuff is very creative. But, really? Bottle caps on pages? Where is it going to end?

Pretty much all I I find appealing is the paper, and I like to look at the scrapping organization. Its kind of sad, actually. Scrapbooking was such a huge part of my life. I have 5 albums, and Sammie loves to look at them. They end when she was much younger,and there is nothing new to look at. She pretty much has them memorized. I feel a little bad that I haven't documented the kids' lives since then. I've been thinking a little bit about checking out digital scrapbooking, but I don't know if I'd even keep that up. Does anyone do that? What are your thoughts on it?

I'd really appreciate some feedback.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hi Melissa... Yep I know what you mean, I have about 400 photos that I can't get done.. but I do them, why, because I love to scrapbook, but just some of the stuff out there doesnt interest me.... until I came across this.. its called Hybrid Scrapbooking.. Ali Edwards and Becky Higgins have been working on this for a while, but here is a sample of what I had found..