Thursday, January 27, 2011

Doors of Perception

My title makes it sound like I'm going to write something really deep, doesn't it? However, that's not the case. Instead, I'm going to talk about cabinet doors. Specifically, the ones I picked up for free from Craig's List yesterday. (BTW, CL is another obsession of mine. Love it!)

Anyway, I saw that someone was giving away cabinet doors. I have no idea why I wanted them, but something possessed me to call her, and see if they were still available. Of course they were, who wants a bunch of mismatched old cabinet doors, right? I drove out, and and first glance I wasn't very excited. But, I said I'd take them, so I started to load them up.
Those are all of the doors, I ended up with 9. I know what you are thinking. "Is she crazy?" Yeah, David thinks the same thing. But he loves me anyway.

At first I was excited about the bigger doors; I have a project that I'm working on and need some solid pieces of wood. But, upon further inspection I realized they are not solid. I don't know why I thought they would be, they are pretty thick and that would be one heavy door. They do have some hardware that is kind of cool; I'll sit on them for a while and see if any inspiration strikes. Feel free to chime in if you have any ideas...and don't say "firewood".
I do have an idea for this door. There are two of these, and the insert on the back is 12 inches square. I have some really cool 12" sheets of scrapbook paper, and I have a few idea kicking around in my head.
There are a couple of doors similar to this, I have something in mind here, as well. Stay tuned, and see what I come up with.
BTW, I figured out how to get pictures from my camera to my laptop, but I'm not jazzed by the way my photos are turning out. They are too small, the lighting is terrible, and my staging needs some work. I'll get there.

1 comment:

the queen said...

I think that last one is quarter-sawn oak.