Thursday, January 1, 2009

That's so random

I wrote this list 2 years ago...let's see if anything has changed. Today is Jan 25, 2011

Here are 25 random facts about me to start out the new year...

1. I hate to cut my toenails. Hate it!! I'll do it, but only after I've put it off as long as I possibly can. I started getting pedicures right after this and haven't cut my own toenails since.

2. I've always had a cat (or several) in my life. I have 4 cats right now.

3. I ran over my son's hand with a shopping cart. It was not pretty. That happened when he was much younger. The nail is still messed up.

4. I went to Austria/Italy/West Germany because my ex-husband cheated in a contest and won tickets. Venice is cool. I've been on 3 cruises now, and I have another ex-husband.

5. Almost everything I hear reminds me of a song. Also, I almost have a song running through my head. Currently I don't even know what song it is, but it incudes the lyrics, "You're in and you're out, You're up and you're down". What the hell is that? This is still the case. The lyrics are from a Katy Perry song.

6. I used to date a guy with a single engine airplane. Most of our dates involved flying somewhere. Shortly after we broke up I read that he had died in a crash. That made me feel sad and relieved at the same time. Not much I can add to this.

7. I like to buy crappy bits of costume jewelry on clearance and take it apart to make different pieces. I still buy clearance jewelry but not much creating has been happening lately.

8. I want to be a great blogger, but I'm just not that motivated or creative. I do have one though. It's sad. I've made some many blogs attempts: Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, etc. I can't seem to find my voice. I cleaned up this one yesterday; I'm determined to do something with it.

9. I met my husband through the personal ads in the local paper. I ran the ad. We'll have our 15th anniversary in March. We were divorced last year. I'm now involved with another man; we met through an online dating site.

10. My first pregnanacy was unexpected and ended up being ectopic. After that I had trouble conceiving and used Clomid for both kids. Still just have two kids.

11. My brother makes me laugh like no other person does. He is a total spaz. Ask me about the Spiderman episode some day.

12. When I was pregnant with my 12 YO son I was part of an online community on Prodigy. When our babies were about a year old several of us flew to Atlantic City to meet up. Everyone thought that was INSANE! Some of us are still in contact, and I am friends with them now on FB. The group is getting smaller.

13. I am really not a fan of very many vegetables. Still not. Corn and broccoli, that's about it.

14. I love my Blackberry Curve phone, but wish it had more cool apps, like the iPhone. Blackberry? WTF? I have had an iPhone for a couple years now and can't imagine life without it.

15. I really, really like my new job. Working from home is my favorite! Still like working from home. Just got out of the shower, and am wearing a robe. I'll get dressed...whenever.

16. When I was a kid my friend and I saw Star Wars over 20 times in the theater. We couldn't decided who was hotter...Han or Luke. Looking back, neither of them, but I'd say Harrison Ford has aged better.

17. My favorite movies now are The Matrix, Independence Day, and The Princess Bride. Still love these movies.

18. Almost all of the furniture in our house came from Ikea, except for the living room sofa and loveseat, and the furniture in the master bedroom. I still have a lot of Ikea furniture, but not as much as before.

19. I went to a scrapbook convention with a bunch of friends several years ago and 3 of us ended up getting tattoos while we were there. Somehow word of it got out and women were approaching us all day, asking to see them. I want to get that tattoo redone into something more striking. Right now its pretty much just a lizard shaped blob.

20. Sometimes I'm surprised when I think about how old I am. I don't feel that old. I'm now older and I still feel that way.

21. I'm not a very social person, yet I run into someone I know just about every time I leave the house. My friends think its the weirdest thing. This doesn't happen nearly as often.

22. I go to bed earlier than I need to every night so I can read for a while. Its much harder for me to fall asleep if I haven't read for a while first. I haven't read a book in months. My iphone is my primary source of entertainment.

23. When I was in my early 20's I had several snakes that ate critters ranging from newborn pinkie mice to rabbits. When I think about that now I'm amazed I was able to feed them (the snakes). Blech!!

24. I'm not a big fan of the holidays. Nothing bad ever happened to me during any of them, I just can't get into them. Still not feeling the holidays. We moved into our new house the week before last Christmas, we didn't even bother with a tree.

25. I sort candies such as M&Ms and Skittles out by color as I eat them. And then I eat them up from most to least. I also sort potato chips by size, and eat them smallest to largest. I still do this. Also, whenever I eat Neapolitan ice cream I'm compelled to mix it all together, creating a new flavor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Isn't that something! Its like a time capsule!!